Lately my connection is not that stable that why today i decide to post my bday celebrate here as my connection is getting better today. On my bday, i thought nobody celebrate bday with me, mana tau, my classmate give me a surprise when I'm eating at face to face. I'm shocked and stun for a while.
Before my bday which was 26July went out with koli, wensze, wensze bf and justin. Went Friday with koli. My very first there because I never been there. lol weird right? Some say the food at friday is very nice but i think the food there was normal. After half way eating my dinner there, wensze come over and join. She was sick on that day, but still she came just to wish me happy early bday! thanks :)
After the dinner, we planned to go for "yamcha" at circle cafe where there will be people singing and playing guitar. Justin joined us but wen szee went back due to some problem. So we order our drinks. And this justin actually asked the people who sing at the cafe to sing me a birthday song! and i was totally shocked and my face turn red! But i really happy on that day!! And I have learned something, I know my attitude is very very bad. On my birthday, one of my friend told me that she really can't stand it anymore with my bad attitude. And i know, it hard for a person to change their attitude because it already a part for them.
I really need a change, and I'm doing it right this time. I don't want to repeat the thing that I have done on the past.. okay okay stop the emotion part. Here are some picture taken on that day and before the day.
Me in Friday

Me and koli :)

My dinner *slurrp*

Koli,me and Justin outside sunway pyramid

Surprise from classmate. Wishing something there :)

Sharmaine and me

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