I miss my dad and mum too! They never call me this few days because they are busy working and handling the photo shop. I really admire my daddy because he work really hard to give a good living for me and my brothers. My tear burst when I see my dad work that hard. It really hard to work nowadays, I do not know what it feel now because I never work before in my life -.-''
Every time talk about family, I will thinks of my big brother and my small brother. My big brother change a lot since he lost a lot of weight. Is that a good thing? He never scold me anymore and he is not joking with me sometime. I feel happy when he joke with me. And my small brother love to play computer. Miss his chubby face.
Lastly I miss my grandma, he is the best grandma in the world even though she always scold me but I still love her as much as I love my family. She is the one who take care of me since I'm small until now. I feel pity for her after my grandpa die. I take good care of her for 2 months and I found out that last time I'm really bad I used to scold them and now I realize that I'm wrong and I'm changing. And her cooking is the best in the world too! That why I'm gaining my weight! =p
My grandpa&grandma with me during his bday last year

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